

member ID:4528

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  • Bussiness name:

    Visa Service
  • Bussiness Type:

  • Location:

  • Registering time:

    2015-11-19 11:11
  • Last login time:

    2015-11-19 11:11
  • Contact info:

    you can see with 1 point


Dear my friend,

How's everything going? still enjoy hoilday?
I'm Sophia who work on visa extension and convertion, in recently the Chinese visa policy has a little changed, also the Oct Holiday will be coming, the visa extension service will be less than before, who need to get a visa extension or residence permit for a long term need to be quick, and we have special ways to help foreigners to extend their visas. And if you need some help, please don't hesitate to contact us

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