

member ID:4530

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  • Bussiness name:

    Now Yu link
  • Bussiness Type:

  • Location:

  • Registering time:

    2015-11-19 12:06
  • Last login time:

    2015-11-19 12:06
  • Contact info:

    you can see with 1 point


Now Yu-link provides expedited WFOE registration service with 25,000RMB, and get your business license within 2months!(With which you can easily get your work ViSA! ) In the previous service, most of the WFOE company registration will cost at least 5 months which costs 12,000RMB . And now, we can speed the total process and improve the process to be at most 2months. We also help apply permits for food, wine, medical machine , import and export approval ,etc.

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