
Answers >> Shanghai >> Lifestyle
  • Gvozdev

    Why everything comes down to compensations?

    8 years agoin Lifestyle-Shanghai
    Answers(2) Comments(0)
  • weiyagang
    I think things has its own values and sometimes it takes time and affections to cultivate something.
    8 years ago
  • Badawi

    I think it's the combinations of two things

    * A preference for "rule of the man" over "rule of the law". Some might say it's just a lack of exposure to "rule of the law", knowing only "rule of the man".

    * The idea of insuring stuff is still alien : paying in advance for something that might or might not happen. People prefer to pay only if things happens ie. a compensation.

    So the result is people doing justice themselves, they don't care much about insurance, going for the "compensation" approach.

    8 years ago

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